
My coach Sierra helped me find and identify troubling parts of my life that we’re holding me back. Talking about them, finding resolution to close those doors and move on was really relieving.... If you need someone not only to talk too, but create solutions and strategies to get your life on the right track, call Sierra.

-Brett, September 2021

My life before coaching was good, chaotic to an extent, busy, the normal life of a college student getting ready to graduate in a month and a half. Sierra not only walked through that crazy season of life, working around my busy schedule, but also equipped me with tools to succeed, where I was and that would help in the future as well. Sierra and her coaching helped enrich my life and capitalize on my strengths. She helped me overcome my massive fear of driving in ways that no one else had been able to help me. Sierra is a patient listener and offered simple, tangible solutions and advice in relation to whatever I was struggling with.

The most impacting part of my coaching experience was Sierra’s willingness to step into the messiness of my life, without judgement or condemnation. She saw me for who I really was and met me where I was at in the middle of the crazy. I will forever be thankful for my time with her as my life coach.

To someone who is a considering hiring a coach, do it! You are worth the investment of a better life. Sierra will impact your life with her heart, empathy, compassion, and love for people. I know my life is certainly better thanks to my time having a life coach, and I am so incredibly thankful for the role Sierra has played in my story of life.

- Emily, August 2021

Before coaching, I had no idea why I operate the way that I do. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do in life or how to deal with the things that prevented me from getting there. But during my sessions with Sierra I got to know myself on a level that I had never really experienced before. Not only did I understand myself better, but I finally knew how I wanted to be understood by friends and family. I knew who I wanted to be.

The most impactful part of coaching for me, was developing an ambition for the future that I had never known before. I used to just hope to be successful and maybe one day find that dream career, but now I just have this hunger and passion, and I know that I’m going to make it happen.

If you were considering hiring a coach, I would tell you to come prepared to do the work, because the more you put in, the more you’re going to get out of it. And you WILL get a lot out of it.

- JD, August 2021